Home Staging Tips

Lindsey Bryant-Carter Sellers

Staging your home for a timely sell doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful, but it will take some elbow grease and time.

First, contact me, and let’s do a market assessment. By pulling comps, we can get a gauge for other homes nearby have to offer. We can also review recents sales, and see what stood out in those homes.

Next, go through each room of your house, clearing out clutter and removing personal items. Clean your house thoroughly, including carpets, furniture and window coverings.

If you’ve re-purposed some of the rooms in your house, such as using a formal dining room as an office or bedroom, return the room to its original purpose. Changing the use of a room can disturb the flow of your home and may end up confusing home buyers, making it difficult for them to envision living in your home.


Give your house a neutral palette that will appeal to home buyers and give your home a calm, welcoming feel. If your walls are painted a bold or bright color, consider painting them warm, light tones of tan, beige or gray. Those colors encourage home buyers to envision their own personal effects and furniture fitting nicely in your home with minimal work.


Keep only a few appliances on your counters and add in a simple bowl of colorful fruit to introduce interest and brightness to your new neutral palette. Replacing or refinishing outdated cabinets can make a significant difference in how your kitchen appears to buyers. Remember to update cabinet hardware, as well.

If your appliances are old, replace them with new appliances. Generally, home sellers who replace tired kitchen appliances regain their investment completely. Remember to remove drawings, photos and magnets from your refrigerator.

Dining Room

Remove any bold finishings or heavy accessories. Clear out clutter but dress your dining table with simple, inviting place settings. An uncomplicated centerpiece and updated light fixture can complete the tableau. Remove any oversized furniture that might make the room appear small such as a large china hutch or sideboard.

Living Rooms, Family Rooms and Bedrooms

Remove family photos and personal effects. Clear out collections, knickknacks, themed items and anything that makes your rooms appear too personal. Clear out excess furniture, keeping important light fixtures. Warm up the spaces and give them a splash of color with a few plants, a throw blanket and neutral artwork.


Make every fixture in your bathroom sparkling clean. If tile grout is still discolored after cleaning, re-grout or use a grout stain. Use a few colorful hand towels, decorative jars or baskets as accents. Finally, organize your bathroom drawers, since home buyers will undoubtedly open them to get a feel for the storage capacity.

Check In

Once you’ve cleaned your home, removed personal items and layered in neutral accessories, have a friend walk through your house as if they were prospective buyers. Ask them to give you honest feedback about your home and use that information to maximize your home’s appeal.